Closer To Nature

When you are a person who loves to travel, you are a person with a lot of stories to tell. I love being close to Nature and I’ve never felt any closer to it than my days spent at the Yelagiri Hill station in Tamil Nadu. 

Last November, I visited Yelagiri along with my Karate teacher (Sensei) and two other senior students. We had a Karate seminar to attend and I’ve never been any happier that it was in Yelagiri.

After long hours of practice when it was finally evening, we would go out of our cottages for a walk. Sitting on the rocks while sipping tea and looking at the greenery spread around me, I had one of the most refreshing times. 

As the evening blended into night, I could see fireflies lighting up the place. On another day when the weather grew colder, it almost felt like the clouds had surrounded us and we were walking through them and then it started to rain. It rained so heavily that I wasn’t able to see my Sensei who was just a few meters away. We stayed there for four days and then departed home with more stories to tell.


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