A Way Of Living

Karate (officially known as Karate do) is a Japanese martial art used for self defense. The word Karate do is derived from 3 Japanese terms : 'Kara' means empty, 'Te' means hand and 'Do' means the way of fighting. Therefore, Karate do as a whole means the way of empty hand fighting.

There are belts of different colours assigned to Karatekas (students of Karate) according to their levels of practicing and knowledge. The very first belt is white in colour and the last is black. It's said that the real journey begins from the black belt and for me it has already begun.

It's been 6 years since I've been practicing Karate and I've realized that it's more than just self defense. It's a way of living, an energy that provides you courage and it gives me a sort of peace when I'm with it.

It's more than just learning how to kick or block attacks, it's about perfecting it to the point where it becomes a muscle memory. It teaches you an important lesson of life that having power and not having the courage to use it, makes power useless. Therefore, Karate provides the courage.


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